Food for Hungry Christians
"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled" Matt. 5:6

Bible Study Resources

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--- Textus Receptus Greek Interlinear, by George Ricker Berry, pub by Zondervan, for the New Testament Greek Text.

--- Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, for the location of all English words in the Scriptures, pub by Macdonald.

--- The Word Study Concordance, by Tyndale House, for the chapter and verse location of all the New Testament Greek words. Also keyed to Strong's Concordance numbers. Excellent! The opposite of Strong's Concordance, in that it lists all the GREEK words in the N.T. , and the chapter and verse where they are located, and how they are translated in the KJV. For example you want to study the word "power", and find that there are 7 different Greek words translated into our English word "power". Now you need to study these 7 Greek words, and find where are they located in the Greek text, and how they are translated in the English Bible. Continuing the example, one of the Greek words is "exucia", best translated "authority", but "exucia" is translated in the KJV not only as "power", but also as "authority", "jurisdiction", "liberty", "right", and "strength". This book is a must for in depth Greek word study.

NOTE: You can also use On-Line Bible, or most other Bible Computer Programs, to search for every occurrence of a Greek word.

--- Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon, pub by Baker, for New Testament Greek word definitions. Keyed to Strong's Concordance numbers.

--- Gesenius' Hebrew Chaldee Lexicon, pub by Baker, for Old Testament Hebrew word definitions. Keyed to Strong's Concordance numbers.

--- The Analytical Greek Lexicon, by Zondervan for gramatical analysis of every Greek word in the New Testament. All the word forms in the N.T. Greek text are listed in Greek alphabetical order. (Called "parsing" the Greek words, stating their tense mood, voice, gender, number, case, etc)

--- A Grammar of the New Testament in the Light of Historical Research, by A.T. Robertson, pub by Hodder & Stoughton, for grammatical analysis of the Greek text. Excellent, but not necessary, unless you plan to master the Greek.

--- Beginner's Grammar of the Greek New Testament, by William Hersey Davis, pub by Harper & Row. Excellent introduction to the Greek basics.

--- Word Pictures in the New Testament, by A.T. Robertson, pub by Broadman Press. A six volume set, rich with comments on the Greek text. In teaching word by word & verse by verse, I usually check out Robertson's comments on my verse. Quite often, he will bring out some beauty that I missed, and also will help me verify my use of the Greek text.

--- Textbook of the History of Doctrines, by Reinhold Seeburg, pub by Baker. (Originally pub in 1895) An excellent history of the doctrines held by the ancient church, including the beliefs of the early church fathers.

--- Figures of Speech used in the Bible, by E.W. Bullinger, pub by Baker (Originally pub in 1898). Dr. Bullinger states that the ancient Greeks identified and named more that 200 figures of speech! The Old and New Testament Biblical authors used these figures of speech to give additional force, more life, intensified feeling, and greater emphesis to the Scriptures. Complete with an index of Texts and Passages, this is a great tool for the Bible student and teacher.

--- Things to come, by J. Dwight Pentecost, pub by Zondervan. The best reference on Biblical eschatology that I have found. The most important feature being that Dr. Pentecost lists the beliefs of each eschatological position and the problems and strengths of each position.